Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Yes I'm afraid so... its that time again, Mr Bishops Assembly!  This week we have been looking at the theme Giving up.  "A strange theme for a school community to be considering" I hear you say...  Well as we have just celebrated pancake day and started a season called Lent, we have been learning about people who focused on goals or dreams, and gave up bad or unhelpful habits to help them reach these targets.  Consider Gandhi and what he stood for... how did he train himself and stay focused?

Wikipedia page on Gandhi

Watch the video below as a focus for your thoughts on Lent, and have a go at answering some of the thoughts that follow...


What can you give up during Lent (between now and Easter) to help you become a better person?
How can we become a healthier and more attractive school community?
What would make the perfect school?


  1. i'm really looking forward to easter :) !!!!!

    Josh Allen

  2. I can't wait till easter! And i am going to try and give up biting my nails it is a habitit that i NEED to STOP!!!!
