Wednesday, 26 January 2011


Here we are again! Assembly time... Mr B is taking assembly tomorrow morning and the theme this week is learning.  As we have now been back to school for exactly 3 weeks and some pupils enthusiasm is starting to waver, I thought it would be a good idea to reflect on learning and its purpose.

Have a look at the following video and try answering some of the questions that follow, who knows I might use some of your comments in assembly...


Can you think of people who have helped you learn something?
How did they help you?   
Have you helped somebody else to learn something?
What did you do to help?
Can you think of things that you taught yourself to do? (Think of some things that you have found quite easy to learn and some things you find harder.)

Rememeber Mozart was only 3 years old when he started to write music and play the piano - you're never too young or too old to learn, we learn from the moment we are born... and even I (who knows a lot!) am still learning everyday!

Mr B


  1. Somebody who helped me was my friend. She helped me by looking out for me when i was upset. I helped her by when she was stuck on a maths question i explained to her how to do it. I learnt to make a cup of tea for my mum and dad by practising.

  2. Hi everyone i found the cgp website really useful for revision especially the maths part!
