Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Yes I'm afraid so... its that time again, Mr Bishops Assembly!  This week we have been looking at the theme Giving up.  "A strange theme for a school community to be considering" I hear you say...  Well as we have just celebrated pancake day and started a season called Lent, we have been learning about people who focused on goals or dreams, and gave up bad or unhelpful habits to help them reach these targets.  Consider Gandhi and what he stood for... how did he train himself and stay focused?

Wikipedia page on Gandhi

Watch the video below as a focus for your thoughts on Lent, and have a go at answering some of the thoughts that follow...


What can you give up during Lent (between now and Easter) to help you become a better person?
How can we become a healthier and more attractive school community?
What would make the perfect school?

Wednesday, 26 January 2011


Here we are again! Assembly time... Mr B is taking assembly tomorrow morning and the theme this week is learning.  As we have now been back to school for exactly 3 weeks and some pupils enthusiasm is starting to waver, I thought it would be a good idea to reflect on learning and its purpose.

Have a look at the following video and try answering some of the questions that follow, who knows I might use some of your comments in assembly...


Can you think of people who have helped you learn something?
How did they help you?   
Have you helped somebody else to learn something?
What did you do to help?
Can you think of things that you taught yourself to do? (Think of some things that you have found quite easy to learn and some things you find harder.)

Rememeber Mozart was only 3 years old when he started to write music and play the piano - you're never too young or too old to learn, we learn from the moment we are born... and even I (who knows a lot!) am still learning everyday!

Mr B

Wednesday, 19 January 2011


I know, I know.... Resolutions, Responsibilities..! My recent discussion topics are very 'wordy'.  However stick with it, this week is a corker.

Miss Jenkins and myself are leading an assembly tomorrow on Responsibilities (which you should already know lots about 'Freedom and Responsibilities etc...').  During ICTcc, and at home, use the following as discussion starters, so ... what do you think?

What makes us different or the same?

What if one part was missing?  YOU are important 

Martin Luther King - Standing for EQUAL RIGHTS
Who or what inspires you to change?

RESPONSIBILITY - What are you going to change?
(Come on, do what you're supposed to do... Responsibility is following through.)

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Changes ... Resolutions ... New beginnings

I'm sitting at home frantically preparing tomorrows assembly on New Year resolutions and thinking wouldn't it be good if not only year 6 could comment on the questions posed during the talk they heard tomorrow morning, but also the rest of the school! So here it is, a challenge who's going to be able to revisit this post in 1 month and have kept their resolution?!?!  For those that need a refresher on the content of the assembly!...



Are you ... Eyes Closed, Distracted, Looking back, or focussed straight ahead on your goal? Why?

Thursday, 25 November 2010


Well, it's that time of the week again... Chat room time.  This week we are following on from our theme in both History and Big Write. We have been looking at various evacuee stories and experiences, trying to develop our empathy with those experiencing the trauma of this experience.  I would like you to watch the following youtube link and comment on ...

What would it have been like to have been involved in the evacuation of children during World War II?
What have the lessons over the past few days taught you about evacuation?

Having looked at conversations over the past few weeks, this week I would like you to try and develop your answers into fuller more detailed reasons and explanations.

Enjoy chatting

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Children in Need 2010

Well, it's that time of the year again... another long night of entertainment, lots of celebrities doing silly stuff, and people asking for more money! Yes it's BBC Children in Need 2010.

However this week I would like you to consider the importance of this event and what sets it apart.  Watch a few short videos put together to promote this Friday, and then consider the questions posed below....


Is is important to give our money to others?
What makes Children in Need different from other fundraising events at school?
How can you be generous to others this week?

Remember WEAR your spots this Friday, and lets raise LOTS.  (it'd be great for year 6 to be known as an extremely generous year group, try to bring more than £1 each this Friday, and lets raise LOTS!)

Monday, 8 November 2010


So as to kick off the new and exciting chat room, this weeks topic is 'remembering them'.  It is Remembrance Day on 11th November (Thursday), and to help year 6 prepare for this important occasion I have attached a short video filmed to remember those who have fought in war.

Two simple questions I want to pose this week are...

Why is it important to remember those who have fought in war?
What does November 11th mean to you?